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脱水铵明矾 分子式:ALNH4(SO4)2 性状 轻质白色块状 、粒状、片状或粉状。无臭味略甜,有收敛性。有吸吸湿性,能吸收空气中水分而形成结晶盐。 用途:膨松剂、净水剂、护色剂(腌菜等)发酵粉的主要原料是加工食品最为快捷的食品添加剂,用于焙烤食品最佳。 项目名称 单位 标准要求 分析结果 硫酸铝铵(以干基计) % ≥98.0 ≥99.8 重金属(以pb计) % ≤0.002 ≤0.0017 砷(As) % ≤0.0002 ≤0.00011 铁(Fe) % ≤0.001 ≤0.0005 Dehydrated Ammonium Alum Molecular Formula: ALNH4(SO4)2 Properties: light white agglomeration, granule, flake or powder, odorless and slightly sweet, with astringency and hydroscopic property, to form crystalline salt when absorbing the moisture from the air. Uses: used as leavening agent, water purifying agent, color fixative(pickle, etc.) and the main ingredient of baking powder; as food additive in food processing industry, and has excellent effect in baking food. Item unit Criteria Analysis results conclusion Aluminium ammonium sulfate % 98.0min 99.8 Eligible Heavy metal(As Pb) % 0.002max 0.0017 Eligible As % 0.0002max 0.00011 Eligible Fe % 0.003max 0.0022 Eligible
2009-12-28 收起回复
