INEOS, Sinopec negotiate China phenol/acetone plant joint venture


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INEOS Phenol and Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Company have signed a letter of intent to study and negotiate a joint venture to build and operate a phenol/acetone manufacturing site at the Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park in Jiangsu Province, China.The expected annual capacity of the new facility would be 400,000 tonnes/year of phenol and 250,000 tonnes/year of acetone, making it the largest plant of its kind in China. The company added that facility would include 550,000 tonnes/year of cumene capacity and that it expected the project to be completed in 2013. INEOS expected the facility to serve the growing market for phenol and acetone in China and free capacity at the company’s European and US plants to meet growth in those regions. The company, which is the world's largest producer of phenol and acetone and the only manufacturer with production facilities both in Europe and America, added that the completion of the plant would increase its overall annual capacity to more than 2.3m tonnes of phenol and 1.4m tonnes of acetone.
2010-01-05 收起回复

叶: 汗 !~~~


上海垦高贸易有限公司: 未来几年,产能增加计划很多,供应格局将发生巨大变化。


陈燕: 据英力士苯酚1月1日公布的消息,INEOS苯酚和扬子石化公司近日签署了一份意向书,在中国江苏省南京化学工业园区合资建设及运营一套酚酮生产装置。 预计新装置的年产能为40万吨苯酚和25万吨丙酮,其将成为中国规模最大的酚酮装置,其中异丙基苯产能为55万吨。该装置所在的南京是中国酚酮市场的核心区域,目前预计2013年完工。

