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NAME:Barium Chloride Anhydrous MOLECULAR FORMULA:BaCl2 MOLECULAR WEIGHT:208.25 DENSITY:3.86g/cm3 APPEARANCE:White powder PACKING:25kgs net pp/ pe woven bags PROPERTY&APPLICATION:White powder or granular form,soluble in water,slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid and nitric acid. Being corrosive for containing Cl-.Mainly used as dehydrator and analyse agent,also in heat treatment of mechanical processing.Widely used in electronic and ceramic industries. HAZARDS:Toxic,incombustible and in-explosive FIRST AID MEASURES:Ingestion wil incur vomit,stomachache and diarrhea.If ingested seek medical attention immediately.If contacted with skin,rinse with plenty of water. CAUTIONS DURING TRANSPORTATION&STIRAGE:To be stored in clean,cool place with good ventilation. Keep away fron moisture,rain,damage while in transportation.Must not be stored together with other goods. CLASS:6.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION:no wastes pollution UN NO.:1564 STANDARD:QB/02-2002 QUALITY SYSTEM:ISO9001—2000 REGISTERED MARK:Yusheng(ref.1949768)
2009-10-19 收起回复


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