LG-MMA to shut Yeosu PMMA lines in December


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South Korea’s LG-MMA plans to shut its two PMMA lines with a total capacity of 90,000 tonnes/year, at Yeosu in December. The 50,000 tonne/year line would be shut for two weeks for debottlenecking to increase its capacity to 55,000 tonnes/year. The 40,000 tonne/year line would be shut for a week for routine maintenance.The firm plans to debottleneck the 40,000 tonne/year line to 48,000 tonnes/year in 2010. LG-MMA also operates three MMA lines with a total capacity of 176,000 tonnes/year at the same site.
2009-11-20 收起回复

陈燕: South Korea’s LG-MMA plans to restart a 50,000 tonne/year line of its polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) plant at Yeosu in January. The line was shut on 20 December for maintenance and debottlenecking. Its capacity would be increased to 55,000 tonnes/year as planned.


陈燕: 韩国LG-MMA计划于12月停车丽水的2台PMMA装置,总产能为9万。其中年产5万的装置停车2周,目的是排除故障使其产量升到5万5。年产4万的装置停车1周例行维修,计划2010年使其产量升到4万8。 LG-MMA在丽水还有3台MMA装置,总产能为17万6.

